Meet Real Life Vampire (Name, Address, Power)

Meet Real Life Vampire

(Name, Address, Power) 

Number 1 :

Name: Belfazaar Ashantison, New Orleans Vampire Association

Age: 44

Occupation: Spiritual Consultant

Place of Residence: New Orleans, La.

Type of Vampire: Sanguinarian (Blood Drinker) and Psychic (Energy Feeder)

Quote: "I am a vampire. I was born with a physiological condition that prohibits me from creating enough of the essential daily energies to get through even the basic tasks."

Number 2 :

Name: Sylvere ap Leanan

Age: 38

Occupation: Mother / Freelance Writer

Place of Residence: Kansas City, Mo.

Type of Vampire: Psychic (Creative Energy Feeder)

Quote: "Being a vampire is how I relate to energy. Most people get all the energy they need from balanced diet…I don't. I need more. And the best, most direct method is to get it from a donor, another person."

Number 3 :

Name: Sasha

Age: 25

Occupation: Singer (Musical Theater) / Actress

Place of Residence: New York, NY

Type of Vampire: Psychic (Energy Feeder).

Quote: "We have what some may call a leak. And the way that you'd want to take care of that is by feeding off of someone else's energy."

Number 4 :

Name: Jade, New Orleans Vampire Association

Age: Undisclosed

Occupation: Professional Psychic / Tarot & Palm Reader

Place of Residence: New Orleans, La.

Type of Vampire: Sanguinarian (Blood drinker) and Pranic (Sexual Feeder)

Quote: "Blood and also sex, I need both. If I don't get one or the other within a certain period of time, I become extremely depressed."


Blog created by: Avinash kr. Sharma
